National Future Farmers of America

By Karen McBride
Published in the Dunndeal Gazettes April, 2020

National Future Farmers of America (“FFA”) was established in 1928 and has spread across the United States. The non-profit organization gives students the opportunity to develop leadership skills, as well as learning real-life skills to become productive citizens. Students compete at venues across the state, including at the Florida Strawberry Festival each year.

The hands-on organization hosts a wide range of educational activities, leading to more than 300 professional career opportunities in the agricultural industry. However, FFA is not only for students who wish to embark on a career in agriculture, it is for all students regardless of their future plans.

Involvement in the organization will teach youth responsibility, through taking care of horticulture and livestock; confidence in displaying their plants and animals in front of large crowds; marketing techniques to advertise and sell their products; poise in speaking to business representatives, and much more.

Rebecka Smith, a senior in high school, has been involved in the organization for four years. She first heard about it when she was in middle school, but it wasn’t until she took a veterinary assistant class in high school that she decided to become a member.

“When my agricultural teacher first talked to me about joining, I was reluctant. But it was the best decision I ever made!” said Rebecka.

As a member, she was forced to step out of her comfort zone and is surprised by what she has accomplished. Competing in events and showing her animals is challenging but has built her confidence level.

“My favorite animal project has been my steer. I am so thankful to be able to experience that type of project.”

Her responsibilities included daily feedings, grooming, and veterinary care. Other students in the program chose rabbits, pigs, chickens, and sheep to care for.

Rebecka’s experience in the FFA has prepared her to take on the challenges she may face in college. It not only helped build her confidence level when meeting new people, but also when interviewing for jobs in the future.

For more information on the organization, go to

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