By Karen McBride
Published in the Dunndeal Gazettes March, 2024
Four years ago, Samuel Shuttleworth experienced something that most of us cannot even imagine. He was shot in the head. The bullet went in one temple and out the other. The person responsible has not been brought to justice, but God has brought Samuel through this incredible ordeal.
When Samuel arrived at the hospital, there was little to no hope for his survival. He was in a coma and immediately placed on life support. His family received the horrible news. They were called to the hospital to say their goodbyes. When his four brothers and sister arrived, they were struck with the image of Samuel connected to tubes and machines to keep him breathing. After each brother said his goodbye, it was Chelsea’s turn. But she refused to give up hope. “I’m not saying goodbye,” she said. “I’m going to see him again.” She took the cross that she had worn around her neck and held it on Samuel’s chest and prayed.
As the doctor turned off the life support, Chelsea kept praying holding tightly to that cross. Minutes turned into hours and Samuel was still breathing to the astonishment of the hospital staff. Over the next few weeks, Samuel continued to improve. Sadly, his body had suffered from the trauma, and he was paralyzed, blind in one eye, and lost the mobility in his right arm.
Samuel’s faith in God kept him going. Each day he would work on his physical therapy, showing slight improvements in one leg and then the other. The glimmer of hope encouraged him to try to stand and take small steps. His legs became stronger, and he was able to walk again.
Upon seeing Samuel walking in his hospital room, one doctor asked, “Where’s your wheelchair?”
Samuel responded, “I don’t need it anymore, doc!”
When the doctor asked, “How are you walking again?” Samuel just smiled and pointed up!
Matthew 19:26 And Jesus looking upon them said to them, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
But more challenges lie ahead for Samuel. A few years later, he was diagnosed with a brain infection and had to undergo surgery to remove half of his skull. Once again, the prognosis was not good. He remembers a gentleman in a black hat coming to his hospital room with paperwork for him to sign. In essence, it stated he wasn’t going to make it through the surgery. He suggested Samuel call his family and not tell them you are about to die but tell them how much you love them.
Not only did God bring him through this surgery, but when Samuel woke up, his once crumpled hand was now lying flat. In amazement he asked a nurse for pen to see if he could still write his name and he could! He had regained full use of his hand.
He knew that God was with him throughout the whole ordeal. He found a pastor of a church that continued to help him grow in his faith. He was baptized again, professing to help others to direct them to Jesus.
God quickly gave him the opportunity to serve others one night in Ybor City. A young man was shot, and Samuel was able to carry him to safety. This is just one of the many situations where God reaffirmed that He has a plan for Samuel’s life.
“I know God kept me alive for a reason.”
Photo caption:
Christopher Wilson (friend) left
Mark Dunn (Dunndeal Publisher) center
Samuel Shuttleworth (right)