Two Army Veterans Receive Companions from Corsos for Heroes

By Karen McBride
Published in the Dunndeal Gazettes January, 2024

Recently two army veterans were blessed with receiving canine companions from Corsos for Heroes. Harry Toro began the service dog ministry over ten years ago and has been helping veterans and first responders heal from the trauma experienced in the line of duty.

Harry, a former professional fighter, suffers from a traumatic brain injury brought on by years of fighting. He experienced firsthand how the dogs helped him cope with some of the challenges he goes through by keeping him calm and focused on the dogs. He knew he wanted to help others suffering from similar maladies and began Corsos for Heroes.

Galatians 6:2: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Shortly thereafter, a family member began experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”). God placed it on his heart for Harry to give him one of the puppies from a recent litter. Only a few months later, he got a call from the family member’s wife saying he was doing so much better. It was amazing how quickly he began to heal from the trauma thanks to the Corso.

“These dogs save lives. They need you. They follow you all around and that is why they make great service dogs,” said Harry.

You may see Harry, together with teammates Doreen and RL, in a 30-foot refurbished school bus they use to transport the dogs to events. The eye-catching bus is wrapped on one side with the six branches of the military and the other side is first responders. The crew of Corsos for Heroes participates in events throughout the year.

Once a puppy has been donated, Harry takes his ministry a step further by looking for non-profits in the owner’s area to get the dog certified as a service dog. One such organization is in Brooksville, named K9 Partners for Patriots. Their services are free, and Harry has trained seven dogs for the new owners.

At this time, Harry is the sole supporter and needs funding for the ministry. For more information about Corsos for Heroes and to find out how you can become a sponsor to support the ministry, visit, find them on Facebook at or call 805-453-9351.

Hebrews 13:16: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

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