By Karen McBride
Published in the Dunndeal Gazettes December, 2023
A parent with post traumatic stress disorder, a sister that passed away at a young age, and going through a divorce are just a few of the traumatic events that Debbie Carson has endured through her life. She learned to trust God during these difficult times, and He has always been there to carry her through.
Her deeper relationship with God has placed in her heart to help others. A few years ago, God encouraged her to share her testimony of surviving physical and emotional abuse in order to help others through their healing journey.
She wrote her first book, “Thankful for the Scars” in 2022. Whatever produced scars on your body, the ugliest scars many times are the ones hidden deep inside where no one can see. This book will help readers to identify those scars and begin the process of healing.
“I wrote this book so the hurts and mistakes in my life would not be wasted. God can use anything you have experienced… if you will let Him!” said Debbie.
She received so many messages of gratitude for the help her readers received from her first book. But there was more to her story, so she embarked on her second book, “The Power of Choice”, which has just been published.
Even when you know clearly what happened in any given situation, you will always see it through your own personal perspective of past experiences and imprinted information from those experiences in your subconscious mind. This perspective drives your choices. In order to change your life, you must first change your choices. In order to change your choices, you must first change your perspective. “The Power of Choice” will walk you through a reflection of your life, the path you are on, and how the choices you make along the way can alter your future, starting with forgiving yourself. Healing from past mistakes is critical if you want to keep moving forward.
With God’s guidance, healing is possible. God’s wisdom is available to anybody that will ask for it.
Her books are available on Amazon for Kindle and Paperback editions here.