Alan Metzger Shares His God Given Talent to Support the Community

By Karen McBride
Published in the Dunndeal Gazettes November, 2023

Alan Metzger devotes his time to serving the Lord and painting amazing artwork. He believes his talent is God-given and seeks to honor Him in all his paintings. The award-winning artist shares his portfolio with the community in many ways. Recently he donated art pieces to auction at a fundraiser for RTS Missions. He has made several mission trips to Haiti and Jamaica with other organizations and wanted to support this ministry as well.

“I have a passion to help the poor who are destitute and have no way of breaking the cycle,” said Alan.

In addition, he has paintings on loan to the East Lake Community Library in Palm Harbor for an art exhibit from November through December 2023. On December 2-3, 2023, interested buyers can view and purchase his art at the GFWC Lutz Arts and Crafts Festival. The festival is held at Keystone Prep High School, 18105 Gunn Highway in Odessa.

Alan received his education in graphic design at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and established his career at several advertising agencies. He won awards during his time as a graphic artist, but never dreamed of becoming a full-time artist. And then God started opening the doors.

After encouragement from a friend, he entered a contest for the International Polo Club in Palm Beach, FL. They were looking for an artist to create the first annual commemorative poster. His submission, titled “Polo Rumble” won. This led to autographing posters at a media luncheon on opening day, and the original being auctioned to the highest bidder at a major charity event at the end of polo season.

“The polo club award came as I was starting to question and getting discouraged about my decision to quit my job and paint full time. I felt it was God saying keep going, use the talent I gave you.”

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, don’t lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”

His skillful technique involves painting with oil paint, layering colors, and using a tile trowel to scrape the canvas, revealing the colors underneath, while giving movement to his art pieces. As an impressionist, his portfolio includes animals, landscapes, and abstracts in bright colors. If you have limited wall space in your home, Alan’s website offers his colorful artwork in smaller prints, coffee mugs, t-shirts, phone cases, yoga mats, and more. Perfect gifts for your family and friends this Christmas.

On January 20, 2024, the Clearwater Free Clinic has a fundraiser called Martinis + Matisse, which is a gala night held at the Frank Crum center. This is Alan’s 6th time donating an original painting.

To see more of his artwork and find out about upcoming exhibits, go to

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